Parish Profile: our future


While our future will include many of the activities and ministries currently in place, we are in a discernment and planning process about two new endeavors at Holy Comforter.

Code Blue 

Holy Comforter is joining with local law enforcement and area non-profit agencies as a founding member of Code Blue. In embracing our name, we welcome those without homes to warmth, safety, and rest on nights of intense cold. Members of Holy Comforter and our partners will coordinate schedules, organize limited resources, and volunteer to host our temporary guests.

Congregation Land Campaign

Holy Comforter has recognized the need for a better use of land and space that will meet the changing needs of our church and local community. To that end, we have created a Congregation Land Campaign. Working with the Interfaith Alliance of Colorado and Radian, a non-profit architecture firm, we have begun the exploratory phase of creating a master site plan for the five acres that make up our church campus. As stewards of this land, we believe we are called to create spaces that serve the least among us; that are set aside for worship, faith formation and prayer; and that can serve our community. 

We want to create more usable space for our ministries, develop buildings that are inviting for our disabled members and guests, and to be good stewards of all that God has given us. This includes exploring our part in the affordable housing crisis in our area. Holy Comforter has been increasingly called to this ministry after multiple years of hosting homeless families through Growing Home, and this campaign is one way we seek to understand and explore how we can be part of the solution.

These ideas will take additional dollars not already present in our budget. While our partnership with Interfaith Alliance of Colorado and Radian includes assistance with grant writing and alternative funding acquisition, we also need a new rector who is adept at fund development and orchestrating a productive capital campaign.