Altar Guild

Altar Guild members offer, on a weekly basis, the careful, loving preparation of the church and altar with candles, linens, vessels, and seasonal amenities. (Contact More Detail.

AV Team

The a/v team manages sound and video in worship services and is committed to providing an opportunity to participate for those unable to attend in person. To assist, use this email.

Buildings and Grounds

This dedicated team of gardeners, carpenters, handy-folk, and heavy lifters put great care into our campus to make it a safe and welcoming place for all who visit. Teams include Buildings (inside), Grounds (outside), and Environmental Advisory. Contact

Daughters of the King

Daughters of the King is an international order of women dedicated to prayer, service and evangelism. We meet monthly, host quiet days, make prayer blankets for those suffering from injury or illness, and pray for the clergy and individual members of the congregation throughout the year.

Please contact for more information .

Creation Care

Just as ripples spread out when a single pebble is dropped into water, the actions of individuals can have far-reaching effects. – Dalai Lama Come join the Green Team (new name tbd) to become a pebble at Holy Comforter. If you are just starting your climate justice journey or are already well educated in the cause, this is the group for you. We will discuss films, read books and articles, have some great discussions and come up with a plan of action for Holy Comforter to not only make a ripple, but perhaps a small wave. Questions: contact John Humphrey or Carol Tillman at More Information. Link to Colorado Diocese Creation Care information.

Flower Guild

The Flower Guild is dedicated to creating beautiful floral and seasonal arrangements and decorations to enhance the spiritual experience at Holy Comforter. Each arrangement is coordinated with the natural seasons of the year and the Episcopal liturgical calendar. More Detail. Contact Link to Donation Form.

Hospitality Ministry

Our kitchen is a fun gathering place for cooks, coffee makers and dishwashers of all ages. We enjoy spending time together while preparing and serving food for our church community during coffee hour and other events. Contact

Soup Group

The Soup Group, a New Ministry at Holy Comforter - “We hope you like our soup!” Three kinds of soup are now available — chicken noodle, potato, and vegetable — in pint containers in the freezer in the kitchen at the church. If you have a friend or neighbor who is ill or in need of support, please take a pint of soup, fill out the inventory sheet on the freezer, and help to make life a little easier for someone in need. Stay tuned for more dates for this group, and for information, contact Ruth Fowler at

Music Ministry

Whether it's the sound of a choir rehearsing, an organ recital, or a congregation joyfully singing hymns, music is always happening here. Boasting five choirs and Colorado's oldest pipe organ, we are a regional music destination. Click here for more detail. Contact

Pastoral Care

We are happy to talk to you and help you with these things. Please contact for more information.

  • Grief Support

  • Funeral Planning

Women’s Gathering

The Women's Gathering meets every Thursday in Maglaras Hall from 1-3. Our intent is to knit, crochet or sew items for those in need. It will be the goal to bring warmth and hope to those in need.

It has become a community of women forming friendships and use their God given talents. Everyone is welcome, regardless of their affiliation. The ladies will even teach you to knit or crochet. Over 3,000 items were made last year. If you choose to just interact, we accept that has your gift to the group. To inquire use this email.


Every Sunday we have Greeters, Ushers, Lectors, an Intercessor, Chalice Bearer, Zoom Host, and Lay Eucharistic Ministers. Contact or

Youth and Family

Welcome to the Youth and Family Ministry. We think kids are the greatest! Starting in September, we offer kindergarten through 5th grade Sunday School most Sundays during service. We also have youth group for grades 6-12, meeting the second Sunday of each month after service in our new dedicated space, “The Landing.” We will be needing volunteers!

See here for more detail and for registration forms. Any questions, contact Chris or Diane at