Upcoming Events


  • Nursery Update. There will be no nursery coverage on the March 23 or March 30, due to the spring travel of volunteers. Please email Anna with questions youth@holycomforterchurch.net

  • Sunday School K-5 - WILL gather this week, March 30. No Sunday School for K-5 on these Sundays: Apr 6 and April 20. Please contact youth@holycomforterchurch.net for more information.

  • Youth Group will NOT gather this Sunday, March 30

  • Books Available to the Community starting Sunday, March 9, at Coffee Hour. One of our long-time and beloved members of Centering Prayer, Jean Trombley, has died, and her husband has very generously donated her collection of spiritual books to the Centering Prayer Group and to Holy Comforter. In Jean’s honor we will offer her books for your taking at coffee hour in Maglaras Hall on March 9 and during the week following.

  • Sharing Our Kindness, Daughters of the King Lenten Service Project, Our chapter of the Daughters of the King will be collecting cans of chili, beef stew and soup beans to help stock the Broomfield FISH food pantry shelves during Lent. Bring donations for this local cause anytime from March 9 through Palm Sunday, and watch the collection bins fill up! For information, contact Leslea Stringer at daughters@holycomforterchurch.net.

  • Daughters of the King monthly meeting, Saturday March 22, 9:30am, Maglaras Hall. Daughters of the King will meet and have Ruth Fowler lead us in a presentation on Mindfulness. All are invited to join our meeting. For more information email daughters@holycomforterchurch.net

  • The Serviceberry ~ A Book Discussion for Lent (Online). Thursdays, March 27, and April 3, 12:00-1:00 pm. Join the Creation Care Team this Lent for a discussion of Robin Wall Kimmerer’s book, The Serviceberry: Abundance and Reciprocity in the Natural World. For details, click here. To register, use this link.

  • Soup Group- Making Soup, Wednesday, March 26, at 9:30 in Maglaras Hall. It’s time to make soup again! As usual, bring your favorite knife, a cutting board and your apron. This time we’ll replenish our pints of chicken noodle and vegetable soup — and add a tasty lentil soup to our offering — all great for those who are ill or stressed or in need of a lift. Please join us for a souper morning of working with friends to build up God’s kingdom wherein all are fed. Questions - contact Ruth Fowler at soupgroup@holycomforterchurch.net.

April and Beyond

  • Bakers, Start Your Mixers! Let's welcome our new interim rector, Fr. Broderick Greer, on Sunday, April 6 with a Holy Comforter-style reception. The hospitality crew is requesting yummy home-made treats. Sweet or savory, plain or fancy - your choice! Contact hospitality@holycomforterchurch.net with questions.

  • Connecting in Lent: Step into the Story, Wednesday evenings through-April 9 6:30-8pm, Maglaras Hall including potluck dinner. The biblical narrative of Jesus’ Passion and Resurrection stays the same year to year, but our own personal stories change. Attend on Wednesday nights during Lent to explore how our stories intersect Jesus’ story this year. Come once or every week to enjoy community connection and a Lenten learning led by Kirsten Wilson.

  • Stations of the Cross with the Daughters of the King, Specific Tuesdays at 11:15 am (Note time change!) in the Sanctuary. Join the daughters for this prayerful journey through the last moments of the life of Jesus with a service rooted in ancient times. Hear the story and pray the stations.

    • Tuesday April 1

    • Tuesday April 8

    • Friday April 18

  • Easter Gear Swap to reduce plastic waste at Holy Comforter Church: Calling all gently used plastic eggs, easter grass, non-edible easter toys and easter decor. Bring your gear to the swap or drip off in bins in Maglaras hall by the end of March, free. Sponsored by Creation Care Ministry. Along with the Easter decorations swap, Creation Care @ HC is now able to recycle brick styrofoam. See the display in Maglaras Hall. Periodically, a team member will take it to Eco-Cycle in Boulder.

    • Sunday April 6, 11 am

    • Tuesday April 8 5-7 pm

    • Sunday April 13, 11 am

    • Tuesday April 15, 5-7 pm

  • Creation Care @ Holy Comforter Recycling Center Tour, Wednesday, April 9, at Noon. 📆 Save the date for another tour of Boulder’s Recycling Center on Wednesday, April 9th at noon. You can carpool with others from Holy Comforter or meet at the center located at 1901 63rd Street in Boulder. We will carpool leaving Holy Comforter at 11:30 am. The tour will last between 75 and 90 minutes depending on questions and will be mostly standing and walking. There is a limit of 20, so make sure you RSVP to Carol Tillman if you are interested. See full details and RSVP contact here.

  • Updated Information! Spring Clean-up Day, Saturday April 12, 9 - Noon: It’s time to spruce up the campus and church for Easter! Come with your work clothes, gloves and garden tools to celebrate the arrival of Spring and a chance to work with your friends. Look for the Clean-Up Day poster this week and next in Maglaras Hall to sign up for a task, many of which can be done on your own time, not necessarily on April 12. Zone Leaders: Please check the “Adopt-a-Zone” chart to see if you are taking care of your zone. For further information, see Chuck Mead or Gary Stanich.

  • ASTER Choir Celebrates 25th Anniversary, Saturday, April 12, 2:00PM. Please join Holy Comforter member and founder Tina Lynn-Craig and ASTER Women's Chamber Choir as they celebrate their 25th Anniversary on Saturday, April 12, 2025, at 2 PM at the Broomfield Auditorium. Visit http://www.AsterChoir.org for more information. Tickets may be purchased in advance or at the door. The concert will also be livestreamed for those unable to attend in person. Admission: Adult: $20 Students and Seniors: $15

  • Save the date for next meeting of the Junior Daughters of the King, Sunday, April 13. For more information on Junior Daughters of the King, please contact Marcia Rudzik or Anna Murphy at youth@holycomforterchurch.net

  • Easter 2025 is on Sunday, April 20. Please join us for one of the two services that day: 8am and 10am. Fellowship and refreshments will be offered after each service, and an Easter Egg Hunt will be offered for children.

  • Broomfield Children's Chorus in Concert, Sunday, April 27, 4:00pm at Holy Comforter. Tickets $12 for adults, $6 for students and Seniors. Information at info@broomfieldchildrenschorus.org

  • Anti-Human Trafficking Course Offered through Province V, May 1 or 7, and other dates coming in May. Our neighbors in Province V are offering an online course on human trafficking, Trafficking: Faithful Response and Support. It comes highly recommended by one of our members. The Province has graciously offered to let us sign on, if that is something that would help you in your ministry in the community. The link is here, with details and times.

  • Noon Recital Series: Spring Tuesday, May 13, 12pm in the Sanctuary. Join us for a free recital featuring local and guest musicians performing seasonal music.

  • Holy Comforter Grief Support Program begins May 14 , “Come unto Me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble, and you shall find rest for your souls.” Nearly all of us have experienced the death of a loved one either recently or in the past. Being part of a group is a wonderful way to honor our loved one and bring a sense of healing for ourselves. We will offer a 5- week Christ-centered grief support program to honor our loved one on Wednesdays beginning May 14, 2025, and ending June 11th. The sessions will be 1½ hours in length, and the time of day will be determined depending on the group. Whether you experienced the death of a loved one six months ago or many years ago, consider joining us for this group where you will learn ways in which you may honor your loved one, seek spiritual direction, and discover Jesus’ promise of comfort. For information, or to express interest speak to Judy Mathis, or contact Wendy Bangs at pastoralcare@holycomforterchurch.net or Sue Carter at warden@holycomforterchurch.net.

  • Save these Dates for Summer 2025: Many opportunities will be available this summer to the Holy Comforter Community, particularly for kids and families. Click here to view summer camp opportunities, and watch this space for registration details in the next few weeks.

  • Holy Comforter families are invited to Register for Broomfield STEM Summer Camps Held at Holy Comforter. Registration Now Open - Links and Information Here:

    • Water Wow! STEAM Camp for students entering grades 1-8, an all day camp, July 7-11

    • FIRST Lego League Camp for students entering grades 2-3, an afternoon camp, June 23-27

      *Note that the FLL camp for students 4-8th grade is full.

    • Please email jamie@broomfieldstem.org if you are interested in volunteering with either camp team. All adults volunteering at the camp will need to pass a background check.


  • Youth Group Afternoon Save the Dates; There will be no Youth Group Afternoon event on Sunday March 23 or 30, we will resume April 6. We are looking for more adult volunteers for Youth Group and outings.

  • Please save the date for future Sunday meetings of Junior Daughters of the King: Mar 9th, and April 13th. For more information on Junior Daughters of the King, please contact Marcia Rudzik or Anna Murphy at aughters@holycomforterchurch.net

  • Centering Prayer meets on Zoom every Tuesday from 1:30-3:00pm. See our calendar here for the link when joining at 1:30pm. Centering Prayer is year-round. Contact Cass Strotheide or Ruth Fowler, biblestudy@holycomforterchurch.net with questions, putting "Centering Prayer" in your subject line.

  • Adult Bible Study, Tuesdays, 9:30-11:00am, Maglaras Hall. All adults are invited to join in deepening our understanding and experience of our Christian faith and Judeo-Christian heritage. Our text is Sermon on the Mount: A Beginner’s Guide to the Kingdom of Heaven by Amy-Jill Levine. Contact Ann Cairns for more information biblestudy@holycomforterchurch.net .

  • Women's Gathering, Thursdays 1-3pm, Maglaras Hall, Do you knit, crochet, or sew? Read about this important Holy Comforter ministry here, and see how you can offer your time and talent.

  • Please mark your calendar: there will be No Sunday School for K-5 on these Sundays: Mar 23rd, Apr 6th. Thank you to Sunday School teachers for your time and commitment. Please contact Diane Ohan for more information: youth@holycomforterchurch.net.

  • Would You Like to Join Holy Comforter's Music Program? We have a place for you!

    • Back to Regular schedule Thursday 1/9/25

    • Thursday rehearsals every other month (March and May), 11 am followed by a brown bag lunch. Contact Tina Lynn-Craig for more information.  Click here for more info on Silver Singers

    • Joyful Ring Bell Choir - rehearses Thursdays, from 6:30-7:15 pm

    • Sanctuary Choir - rehearses Thursdays, from 7:30-9 pm - New voices welcomed! We are always looking for more singers. At the moment we are in special need of sopranos.

    • Joyful Ring Bell Choir - rehearses Thursdays, from 6:15-7:15 pm

    • Silver Bells Bell Choir - Thursdays every other month (during February & April) from 11am-noon

    • For information - Mary McIntire at music@holycomforterchurch.net.

Our Church Calendar