Clergy and Staff

Our New Rector has yet to be discerned.

Fr. Broderick Greer (He, him), Interim Rector.

Anna Murphy, Interim Parish Administrator (She, Her).

Mary McIntire, Music Director (She, Her).

Benjamin Ehrlich, Organist (He, Him).

Marlene Stroud, Bookkeeper (She, Her).



Members of Holy Comforter’s lay governing board are appointed to staggered three-year terms. The Vestry is a lawful board of directors, an ecclesiastical non-profit corporation as defined by the laws of the State of Colorado and the canons of the Episcopal Church. Vestry meetings are held the 3rd Sunday of each month after services, and are open to members.

Sue Carter, Senior Warden (She, Her) .

Sue and her husband, Dave, began attending Holy Comforter in 1980, having discovered it by driving past twice a day on their way to and from work. Raised Catholic, she was received into the Episcopal Church not long after becoming a member at Holy Comforter. In 2015, Sue and Dave, along with several other members, helped found and organize the Broomfield Farmers’ Market at Holy Comforter, held on Tuesday afternoons from June through September on the vacant west lot of the church. In addition to her duties as senior warden, she is a member of the Daughters of the King and currently serves on the Altar Guild. “I enjoy helping to organize our annual fundraising dinner, and can usually be found in the kitchen that evening,” Sue said. She is a former member of the Creation Care team for the Diocese of Colorado. Sue and Dave have an adult daughter and son who are both married, and two young granddaughters. A graduate of the University of Northern Colorado, she earned a bachelor's degree in journalism, with a minor in English. Prior to retirement, she worked as the office administrator for a group of retired judges who performed arbitrations and mediations with the goal of settling cases before proceeding to trial. Looking forward, her desire for Holy Comforter is that the congregation continue to live out the promises made in our Baptismal Covenant: that we proclaim by word and example the Good News of God in Christ; seek and serve Christ in all persons, loving our neighbors as ourselves; and strive for justice and peace among all people, respecting the dignity of every human being.

Dennis Jackson, Junior Warden (He, Him).

Dennis has a doctorate in music from the University of Michigan. Having spent 31 years on the Voice Faculty at the University of Colorado, he became head of the Opera Program which received an Excellence Award from the Colorado Commission on Higher Education. He was also choir director at First Methodist Church in Boulder for 13 years after which he began his journey in the Episcopal Church in North Carolina. He has been on several Vestries and has been a member here at HC for 8 years. He is married to Chris, also on the Vestry. His hope is that we secure a priest and move forward as quickly as possible as a wonderful, committed community of loving people.

Jen Strayer, Vestry Member 2022-2025 (She, Her)

Jen has been married for 15 years and has 4 children who are her pride and joy. Raised in the Catholic church, she and her husband sought a different dynamic for their family, finding Holy Comforter to be welcoming, loving, and helpful in setting a foundation for continued growth in their relationship with God. She is a Proposal Operations Manager for BAE Systems, SMS, having worked there for 22 years, and holds a bachelor’s degree in business management from Chadron State College and an MBA from Regis University. Her hope for Holy Comforter is that we continue to build a welcoming community for all; with strong genuine relationships marked by love, respect, and support.

Diane Ohan, Vestry Member 2023-2025

Born in Washington DC and living in several Maryland suburbs, Diane graduated from the University of Maryland. She worked for Westat, a statistical research firm in Rockville for nearly 40 years as personal supervisor and data manager for their survey processing department. After retiring, she worked for Montgomery Hospice, Petco, Mental Health Partners and TRU PACE. She has been in Broomfield since 2014. She has an adult daughter living in NJ. She has been married to her husband for nearly 7 years, they have an Alaskan Malamute/Golden mix who is 9. A member of Holy Comforter since 2015, she has volunteered at Farmer’s Market, co-led the Youth Group, taught at Sunday school, and been a greeter and usher. She has also volunteered at Broomfield FISH, A Precious Child and the Broomfield Library.

Cynthia Dvorak, Vestry Member 2024-2027 (She, Her)

Growing up in Boulder, moving to California in 1997 to earn her bachelor's degree in history at UCLA, Cynthia also earned an MFA in screenwriting from UCLA. She worked at the television show “Access Hollywood,” and interned at “The Simpsons.” She spent 2 years working in non-profit fundraising at “Big Brothers, Big Sisters” and returned the “Access Hollywood” where she met her husband. They have 2 sons. She is grateful to be back in Colorado after 25 years in the Los Angeles area.

Debbie Hogue, Vestry Member 2024-2025 (She, Her)

A Denver native, retired middle school math teacher and income tax accountant, Debbie has served on Vestry, been a church treasurer, General Convention Deputy, and member of the Standing Committee in the Diocese of Nebraska. A member of the Holy Comforter Sanctuary Choir, she also works on the production of the e-News and other communications. Living in Frederick, she is married to a retired Episcopal priest, and they have two grown children and four grandkids. Travel, gardening, and various fiber arts projects- knitting, weaving and quilting keep her busy. She is honored to serve on the Holy Comforter Vestry as we seek a rector who will lead us into the next phase of our journey being the hands of Jesus in the community around us.

Chris Jackson, Vestry Member 2023-2025 (She, Her)

Christine (Chris) was baptized as an Episcopalian, and studied vocal music at CU, Boulder, where she met the Navigators, a campus and international non-denominational Christian group. She lived in Germany and Austria as a part of a ministry of discipleship and encouragement for people living behind (at that time) the Iron Curtain and speaks fluent German as do her children and grandchildren who still make their home in Europe where she visits as much as possible. She and her current husband married in a small Episcopal church in North Carolina after she moved back to the US and have addended Episcopal churches for many years. They discovered Holy Comforter upon moving to Broomfield where they have enjoyed being a part of this loving and vibrant community of Jesus followers. She has helped with the children and youth of the church, also producing Epiphany Pageants together with a creative team. She has also served on the vestry, guiding monthly meditations on Scripture. An artist, she desires to bring beauty into people’s lives through singing, making pottery and water color paintings. She hopes that this wonderful community will soon be able to welcome a new priest and keep growing together as a very engaged spiritual family, reaching out to the world around them.

David Janak, Vestry Member 2024-2027 (He, Him)

David Janak was born in Winner, South Dakota and graduated from the University of South Dakota and Wilkes Barre University. He has been a lifelong member of the Episcopal Church and held several leadership roles in several parishes. These include serving on the Vestry, teaching Sunday school, singing in choir, serving as search committee chair, and many others. David hopes that Holy Comforter can realize its mission to support the congregation and wider community. He is looking forward to working with the new Rector to achieve this goal.