Parish Profile: our history
1980 - 1999
The story of Holy Comforter would not be complete without a word about our Dalle de Verre stained glass windows. In 1984, parishioners Phil Bissell and Bill Hulsizer coordinated an ambitious campaign to gather $21,000 to fund the windows. Fr. Harshman teamed with retired Methodist minister and glass artist Stowell Sandmeyer to bring Biblical accuracy to the stories depicted by each window. A glass tapestry of Biblical stories, symbols and themes were delicately woven together. Fourteen Stations of the Cross windows were also created, which are used during our Lenten offerings. The windows were dedicated on August 15, 1984. When the new sanctuary was constructed in 2001, the stained glass windows were carefully transferred to their new home. The architecture of the building gave new life to the windows, as they were now seen in their full color and glory. While beautiful to behold, these windows have also been a visual aid to Biblical readings, inspired countless prayers, and enhanced our worship for more than 35 years.
With the sudden death of Fr. Harshman in 1986, membership fell to an all-time low as we searched for a new rector.
In 1987, The Rev. Billy C. Grissom was called to be rector. Under his leadership and spiritual counsel, we began to tackle the challenge of rebuilding the congregation. Fr. Bill believed strongly in lay ministry and encouraged us to act independently to serve one another and the community. The nearly 15 years that Fr. Bill served as rector proved to be rich and full, with communicants and pledging units more than doubling by 1988, one year after his arrival. He was faithfully assisted by Deacon Sue Brady and The Rev. Steve Cunningham during his years at Holy Comforter. His tenure was the longest of any priest to date and one of the most fruitful. Not only did we grow in numbers, but in ministry, as we worked together for a common cause and common purpose – to strengthen our relationship with God, spread the Good News of Jesus Christ, and grow in service to our community.
In 1990, as membership at Holy Comforter continued to grow, a residence directly east of the church property was purchased to better meet increased space needs for classrooms and Children’s Chapel. It was nicknamed “The Ark.” It now serves as our office building.
In 1999 “A Wider Embrace” capital campaign garnered five-year pledge commitments of more than $950,000!