Parish Profile: our history
1960 - 1979
By March of 1960, the Colorado Episcopalian declared, “The Chapel of the Holy Comforter now serves 90 Broomfield Families. The church school has grown from an enrollment of 40 to 142 with a teaching staff of 14 and Mr. Robert Davenport as superintendent.” Dr. DuPlan, as the vicar was fondly called, led the mission through a period of rapid growth. His efforts fortified a strong foundation upon which continued future growth and expansion would be based.
Dr. Duplan retired in 1962. Later that year, The Rev. Joseph Minnis, son of the Bishop of the Diocese of Colorado, was appointed the new vicar of The Chapel of the Holy Comforter. He found a church in need of more space due to enormous growth, overcrowded classrooms and inadequate facilities. Holy Comforter was no longer able to serve the physical needs of its expanding congregation. We were being called to build a new church that would better meet the needs of a growing and dynamic congregation.
A 3.2 acre site was purchased along what was then a two-lane country road. It remains our location today. The property was financed with a $10,000 grant from the Diocese, a $4,000 interest-free loan from the National Church, and a $50,000 bank loan.
On September 3, 1963, Bishop Minnis officiated at the groundbreaking ceremony for the new building, which now serves as our chapel. The piano being played in the back of a pickup truck gave a hint of the important role that music would play in the life of Holy Comforter.
On May 17, 1964, Bishop Minnis led a procession of worshippers to the doors of the new building at 1700 West 10th Avenue and rapped for admittance. Warden Larry Burt opened those doors and ushered in a new era for Broomfield’s Episcopal community! In the years that followed, we sewed altar linens, constructed a pipe organ from scratch, trained a choir, taught children in Sunday school, and held confirmations. We mirrored the growth of Broomfield as we grew in love and service.
From 1967 to 1969, The Rev. J. Edwin Gilchrist guided the mission with a pastoral style, strong sermons, and fiscal responsibility. His term was the shortest of any priest, just 18 months.
The Rev. Paul Snider became the fourth vicar to serve Holy Comforter. Serving from 1969 to 1977, he continually challenged the congregation to strengthen its Christian commitment through spiritual growth and active community engagement.
On October 25, 1973, The Rt. Rev. William Frey officially declared “The Church of the Holy Comforter, Episcopal,” a parish church. Fr. Snider was elected our first rector. The goal set long ago of not only financial independence, but also community engagement and financial support of missionary work, had been achieved!
The Rev. Eugene Harshman was next called as rector of Holy Comforter in 1977. With his Christ-centered philosophy and Biblical teachings, he guided the parish through difficult challenges and shepherded us into a period of spiritual growth and purpose. Fr. Harshman believed that our worship space should be used to glorify God every day of the week. He offered Morning and Evening Prayer on all days when other services were not being held. The Landing, originally built as an office and classrooms, but now used for Godly Play and Children’s Chapel, was constructed during Fr. Harshman’s tenure.