Rainbow Trail Day Camp,
K-5th Lutheran Church of Hope, $90 per camper, $40 per additional child
Senior Services Presentation: Is your Estate Emergency Box Ready?
In Maglaras Hall No one ever plans to be sick or disabled. Planning for the future can make all the difference in an emergency and at the end-of-life. A local attorney will guide you on being prepared including having important documents in a single place to give you peace of mind, help ensure your wishes are honored, and ease the burden on your loved ones. Everyone is welcomed! Contact Anne Shaw for details.
Green Team Meeting
In the Chapel Just as ripples spread out when a single pebble is dropped into water, the actions of individuals can have far-reaching effects. – Dalai Lama Come join the Green Team (new name tbd) to become a pebble at Holy Comforter. If you are just starting your climate justice journey or are already well educated in the cause, this is the group for you. We will discuss films, read books and articles, have some great discussions and come up with a plan of action for Holy Comforter to not only make a ripple, but perhaps a small wave. Questions: contact John Humphrey or Carol Tillman.
Senior Services Presentation
In Maglaras Hall. 25% of all seniors fall each year. One in five falls causes serious injury! There is a relationship between cognition and falls for older adults. A Speech Language Therapist will describe how cognition impacts fall risk, and will share strategies to increase cognitive fitness and decrease fall risk. An Occupational Therapist will discuss practical matters in the home and adaptive equipment to help older adults to stay healthy and safe. Contact: Anne Shaw for details.
Led by God's Grace, What Can We Create Together?
In Maglaras Hall We will hold the first of several listening sessions to solicit feedback, ideas and possibilities as we discern how the Holy Comforter community can continue being a place of healing and unity, honoring our church mission and the future God wants for us. The success of the effort will depend on having as many folks as possible from the parish participating. If you have questions, contact Larry Bangs or Bridget Engel.
Friendship Social
In Maglaras Hall. Singles, couples, families welcome! It’s free! Bring an appetizer to share, drinks will be provided.
DOK Mother/Daughter Tea
In the Godly Play room of the office building (the Ark), Mother/Daughter Tea. We present the Metamorphosis program for elementary grade girls ages 7-10. Anna Murphy will be a teacher and Claire Thompson will assist. Grandmothers and Great Grandmothers are also invited.
Daughters of the King, Monthly meeting
In Maglaras Hall. The lesson will be on The Spreading of Kindness. There will also be a Passing of the Torch from Marcia Rudzik to the new leader, Leslea Stringer. All women are invited to join for spiritual and uplifting lessons. Contact Leslea Stringer if you have questions.
Senior Services Lecture
In Maglaras Hall. Learn about the many types of senior living communities in the area and the questions you should be asking about the communities and services they offer. This presentation is a great starting point for you and your loved ones to begin to explore your options.
Junior DOK
Fourth Sunday of the month starting January 24 through April – in the Landing, 11:00- 12:30pm. Contact Marcia Rudzik for further information.
BroomBots Qualifying Tournament,
Come watch the BroomBots, Holy Comforter's First Tech Robotics team, as they compete to earn a slot at the state tournament. Be at Mullen High School, 3601 S. Lowell Blvd, Littleton, at 1:00 to catch the action. For questions, contact Jamie Rumsey at jamie@broomfieldstem.org.
Week of Christian Unity Prayer Service
Tuesday, January 16, 7pm at Cross of Christ Lutheran Church, 12099 Lowell Blvd, Broomfield.
"Three Kings" Pageant and Potluck for Epiphany
3:30pm costuming for those participating in the pageant. Advent is here and Christmas celebrations are coming. After Christmas comes Epiphany. As in the past, we would like to present a “Three Kings” pageant, retelling the story of Jesus’ birth and the adoration of the Wise Men. This year, there will be a chili potluck following the pageant. A-G please bring cornbread H-O please bring any kind of salad P-Z please bring one can of chili per family member. There are openings for animals, shepherds and angels young and old. Come at 3:30 to get in your costume. If you would like a speaking part please contact Chris Jackson.
Christmas Carol Service and Christmas Festal Holy Eucharist
Christmas Carols start at 7:30, Eucharist starts at 8:00. There will be a small amount of incense around the altar for communion at this service.
Christmas Poinsettia Deadline
The altar will be decorated with red poinsettias, with evergreen boughs adorning the creche and aisle candles. If you would like to purchase a poinsettia for family or friends, living or deceased, please place your dedication and donation in an envelope and place it in the Sunday offering basket, or bring it by the church office on Mondays or Wednesdays, or send it in the mail. Your dedication must be received by the morning of Wednesday, December 13. The Flower Guild appreciates your support and extends their wishes to you and yours for a very Blessed Christmas Season!
Roller Skating for Middle & High School Youth Group
Meet at Skate City, 200 W. 121st Ave., Westminster. Admission: $8.00 two hour session, $2.50 for extra session, $4.00 skate rental. Let Chris and Diane know if you are coming, and if you need a ride at youth@holycomforterchurch.net.
Broomfield Children's Chorus Concert
In the Sanctuary. Reception follows at 4pm in Maglaras Hall.
Safe Church Training
Anyone who works with kids at Holy Comforter — if you have not updated your SafeChurch certification recently, it may be time. We have been invited by Natalie Devine and our friends at St. John's in Boulder to join Tracy Methe, Missioner for Baptismal Living for the Diocese, to an in-person SafeChurch training. Snacks will be provided, and they recommend you bring a water bottle. Topics covered will include the four Universal Training courses required for everyone who needs to take training: Theological Background, Organizational Rules and Policies, Health Boundaries, and Inclusion. Questions about this event? Contact Tracy Methe at tracy@episcopalcolorado.org. To sign up for this training, Here is the registration link.